Absolutely! You can place an order as a guest, but to unlock exclusive discounts and other benefits, WOW VIR recommends creating an account.
Yes, we do accept credit, and debit cards to place your orders
We're currently home delivery service is based in Dubai and are excited to be expanding our services across the entire UAE
Yes, you can write a mail to [email protected] or [email protected] for the bulk order request
Unfortunately, our system doesn't currently allow us to place a single order to deliver on different dates.
Yes,’ you can add multiple addresses as the delivery location.
Yes, you can add your special occasion like birthday, wedding anniversary, etc,.., so our WOW VIR App will send you the notification to plan your friend birthday or wedding anniversary with romantic flower, cake, chocolate and elegant perfume from Wowvir collection.
Yes, the customer can create multiple addresses of his recipients or his flat / office locations
Unfortunately, our system doesn't currently allow combining items from different categories in a single order. To accommodate your needs, you can complete your existing order and then place a separate order with another category.
Unfortunately, our system doesn't currently allow combining items from different stores in a single order. To accommodate your needs, you can complete your existing order and then place a separate order with another vendor