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اشتر الزهور و الهدايا


How can I schedule the order?

During checkout, simply choose "Schedule My Delivery" and pick your preferred date and time from the handy calendar. This lets you ensure your order arrives exactly when you need it

How much time does it take to deliver my order?

Normally it takes 30-60 min to deliver the products, however, some special product delivery times may change from vendor to vendor based on the product preparation time. 

How can I place an order for someone?

If a customer wants to order for someone has to follow the below steps 

Select the Google location where you want to deliver the products to someone

Based on the Google location selection, an application shows the nearby vendors of the delivery location

Select the category you wish to place an order

Select the vendor from the list

Select the products you wish to order and place the order 

How can I place an order for me?

Customers can place an order by registering as a customer and as a guest checkout. Order booking steps are as follows.

Select the Google location where you want to deliver the products

Based on the Google location selection, an application shows the nearby vendors of the delivery location

Select the category you wish to place an order

Select the vendor from the list

Select the products you wish to order and place the order 

Can I search the vendors?

Yes, our search will help the customers to search by vendor and the vendor product.

Do you have a mobile application?

Yes, to make customer purchases easy and for a better experience we have a beautiful mobile app for IOS and Android

How does work?

Many popular shops partner with Wowvir, allowing you to order through their convenient app or website. Your order will then be delivered directly to you

What is wowvir?

Wowvir is an e-commerce app and website that helps customers find nearby stores offering discounted prices on a variety of products, including flowers, cakes, perfumes, and chocolates. Customers can conveniently place orders online for delivery within 30-60 minutes.

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