Flower Bouquet - 15 Pink Carnation Bouquet | For Gifting
AED 169
Preparation Time:
15 Minutes
The Grand Amour arrangement is an extraordinary expression of love and elegance. Featuring 75 premium red roses meticulously arranged in a clear, transparent vase, this bouquet radiates romance and sophistication. Perfect for celebrating love, milestones, or special moments, this striking floral display is designed to leave an unforgettable impression.
Product Specifications:
Number of Flowers: 75 luxurious red roses
Type of Flowers: Classic red roses for a bold and timeless look
Packaging: Presented in a clear, transparent vase to highlight the beauty of the roses
Design: A generous and breathtaking bouquet that showcases the passion of love in a refined manner
Care Instructions:
To ensure the roses remain fresh and vibrant, trim the stems at an angle, place them in fresh water mixed with flower food, and change the water every two days.
Keep the arrangement in a cool, shaded area away from direct sunlight and heat.
Ideal Occasions:
Perfect for romantic gestures, anniversaries, weddings, or significant celebrations where you want to convey deep emotions and lasting love.
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